EliteForest project meeting in Brussels

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The next project meeting in person will be held in June 2023

At the end of October, the third meeting of the EliteForest project took place in Brussels. The project is co-financed by the EU through the Erasmus+ program.

The meeting aimed to validate the content of Intellectual Output 1 Inventory of Forestry Good Practices in Europe.

Regarding the report, the work was based on a survey addressed to VET training centers and the industry to collect good practices in forestry and tree care training over the last 30 years and on the feedback received at the multiplier event organized by NATURINVEST, which was attended by 32 participants. The first version of this guide will be available at the end of 2022 and will be aimed at both VET training centers and forestry stakeholders.

PEFC Spain, which leads the Intellectual output 2, the Quality standard for Forestry VET Centers, presented the work plan for its realization. The main objective is to make it an easy tool for training centers to use, and to identify, quantify, and qualify criteria of quality training implementation. Each partner will work to build the criteria of one specific topic, out of the seven detected topics: environment, cooperation, administration, inclusion, security, training, and equipment. Priority will be given to those linked to the environment and inclusion. The Quality standard should be available in June of next year and will be presented at the fourth meeting to be held in Madrid.